... Christmas Carols

Small H I S T O R I E S,

Beautifully Printed, adorned with great Variety of CUTTS, and neatly stitched up in Blue Paper.

he famous History of the surprizing Giants in Guildhall, London, 2 vols.

2. A Description of the Curiosities of St Paul's Cathedral, 2 vols.
3. A Description of the Rarities in the Tower of London, 2 vols.
4. A Description of the Tombs and other Curiosities in Westminster-Abbey, 3 vols.
5. The careful Parent's Gift, 2 vols.
6. A choice Gift and pretty Toy, for little Miss and Master to learn their A.B.C.
7. A Collection of the most chaste and significant Riddles.
8. Nancy Cock's dainty fine Song-book, for all little Masters and Misses, to be sung to them by their Nurses, till they can sing themselves.
9. The Holy Bible, in Verse.
10. Ditto, in Prose.
11. History of the Old and New Testament.
12. Guide to Heaven.



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